Wildlife spotting

A kangaroo stands in a field, looking directly at the camera

Discover the rich wildlife of Whittlesea, just a short distance from Melbourne’s CBD. In our parks and natural areas, patient visitors can spot a variety of wildlife, including:

  • abundant bird species
  • echidnas
  • kangaroos
  • wallabies
  • snakes
  • reptiles.

Where to go

Explore these popular wildlife-viewing spots for your chance to encounter some of Australia's most special wildlife.

Keeping safe around wildlife

We all love native Australian wildlife, but they can be dangerous.

Kangaroos, snakes, possums and magpies are some of the more common species we come across in our area.

Learn how to keep safe around our native wildlife.

See wildlife safety tips

Report problems with wildlife

If you see wandering, sick, injured or dead animals on roads or public land, here's how to report it.

Report wildlife issues