Promoting Local Foods in Your Cafe or Restaurant

Published on 24 March 2025


The City of Whittlesea Destination Plan aims to increase tourism and highlight the best aspects of our area, including our vibrant food scene. Your cafe can play a key role in this!

Many cafes already use local products but showcasing them effectively can attract new customers and enhance your reputation.

Why Promote Local Foods?

•             Customer Demand: Post-pandemic, people crave experiences and are more conscious of sustainability. Local foods align with these values.

•             Increased Profitability: Sourcing locally can be cost-effective and reduce your carbon footprint.

•             Positive Brand Image: Championing local products builds a reputation for sustainability and community support.

How to Get Started:

•             Tell Your Story: Briefly mention the source of local ingredients on your menu or use tent cards.

•             Request Local Products: Ask your suppliers about local options.

•             Network with Local Producers: Learn more about their products and become an ambassador for them.

•             Utilise Blackboards or Signage: Highlight your use of local ingredients.